The World's Sweetest Banners

Monday, November 7, 2011

Little white dogs and angel wings....

Thanks everyone for hanging in. I did the drawing last night, not the way I planned, but things rarely go as planned! I wanted our eight year old to do the drawing, but somehow he magically remembered homework on a Sunday night after having the whole weekend to do it. So, I did the drawing, cause I did not have homework :)
Here are some pics and the results. I will be having more give aways and fun stuff in the near future. Better planned out and better organized, I promise.

I wrote everyone's name on slips of paper..........

I folded them all up nice and pretty and placed them in a bowl.......

And then I mixed them all up and pulled out a winner!

And the winner of this give away is........

Congrats Candice. You can choose any banner in my Etsy shop, 16.95 or under!!

I apologize for not being around much......
We have had a bit of a rough patch at our house........
I have been MIA from facebook and my blog for the last week. In my "business" life I concentrated on my Etsy shop and just creating.
A week ago Saturday we had to give over our little white fluffy dog in an unimaginable way. I took him to the vet thinking he had gotten into something he shouldn't have, fully expecting to bring him back home. He acted like he had chewed on something, gotten grass burrs in his mouth or worse, eaten something that was not good. It was none of those. Our little 3 year old pup had a tumor under his tongue that was most likely cancer. Even if it wasn't cancer, because of the location, there was nothing they could do and we had to give him up.
We had a little backyard ceremony because this was the first loss for our 8 year old and I wanted him to grieve the right way and be grateful for the experience of having a little white ball of fluffy love.

P.T was his name, my daughter and son-in-law gifted him to us 3 years ago last month. He was mischevious, always happy, hopped like a bunny and some days drove me nuts. He never stopped being a puppy, enjoying every minute of life.
He was a little dog who leaves a big empty place in our hearts and home.

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